Technic Pack Wiki
Logo-IC2 40 Rotary Macerator contains information about the Industrial Craft mod.

A Rotary Macerator (left) next to a regular macerator.

The Rotary Macerator is the upgraded version of the regular Macerator introduced by the Advanced Machines addon.


The Rotary Macerator is powered by Redstone Dust which you have to put in the field on the lower left. It can also be powered by electricity supplied through wire, or a generator. It is has double the space for macerated items, thus making it possible to macerate an entire stack of ore without having to empty it in between. The Macerator's RPM and thus its maceration speed increase with time, making it significantly more efficient than the regular Macerator. If combined with a well-timed delivery service, it can double the material yield from your ores in no time.

If there are no ores or other macerable items present in the upper left field, the RPM will decelerate until it arrives at zero. note: if you put a redstone torch somewhere near it, it will not loose RPM.

The second input slot is used to create modified dusts quickly, without having to craft them. For instance: Putting iron ore in the first slot and coal in the second will generate refined iron dust. Another example: Copper ore and tin ore will create bronze dust. Putting two items together that do not blend will lead to producing only the first input slot's dust, and leaving the second as it is. Note: The second item will be used at a reduced rate.


Crafting GUI

Refined Iron

Refined Iron

Refined Iron

Refined Iron


Advanced Machine Block

Refined Iron

Refined Iron

Refined Iron

Rotary Macerator



